CTI Fundamentals, Coaching Training Institute, NL(2007)

CTI Leadership Program, Coaching Training Institute, California (2008)

The Coaches Training Institute offers a world-renowned coach training. A distinct philosophy, high quality standards regarding their workshops and a focus on experiential learning guarantee an exciting and interesting experience.

Quote (CTI homepage www.thecoaches.com):

CTI Philosophy

CTI coaching holds that people are naturally creative, resourceful and whole - completely capable of finding their own answers to whatever challenges they face. The job of a Co-Active Coach® is to ask powerful questions, listen and empower to elicit the skills and creativity a client already possesses, rather than instruct or advise.

CTI Fundamentals brings the CTI coaching philosphy to life. The Co-Creating Process is modeled by the two leaders in a highly professional way, the participants get to practice it with constructive feedback from group and leaders.
One of the lessons I learned from Fundamentals was a confirmation of my belief that coaching is not a repair but a reward - a chance to develop your own potential. I brought back a wealth of coaching tools to integrate into my practice.

The Leadership Program takes the participants to a sheltered Retreat Center and is directed at the participants very own leadership qualities on a personal level. An important tool is Experiential Learning. A lot of those excercises can be integrated in day-to-day coaching and are especially helpful for recognizing and changing well entrenched blockades and behavioral patterns.
The participants form an international and heterogenic group, this is of additional value for intercultural teamwork and instigates the exchange of knowledge and experiences on a larger cultural scale. An international leadership network stays active even after the course ends.